Friday, May 4, 2007

Going crazy

More and more I'm considering using earplugs when I'm outside. My threshold for noise is dropping and I no longer get much joy from music (which is probably a sign of worsening depression).

Unfortunately using them at work is not an option since my employer knows me as a hearing person (that and they'd SEE the earplugs!) and at home I'm not sure I can get away with yet.

Either way, I spend a lot of time commuting.

So what's stopping me? Well, nervousness. It's a change and I am resistant to change, even when it'd be for the better. I also worry about people seeing my earplugs and becoming offensive after I do not respond to them.

Something to overcome. I think this coming week I will try to do the commute home leg with my earplugs, except for a taxi home should I take one. Many of the drivers know that I can hear...It'd be odd and I'm not prepared for that yet.


carla@truenorth said...

I’m a development researcher for a production company called True North. I am currently researching for a documentary about Body Integrity Identity Disorder. I would very much like to speak to you to find out more about this condition and find out as much as I can from you.

We are not interested in admirers or the condition from a sexual viewpoint (as has already been covered anyway in previous documentaries) but more in uncovering the phychology behing the condition and the motivation of those who are BIID.

Any help/info would be very much apprieciated.

Many thanks

Carla Wright
Development Researcher
True North Productions
Tel: 0113 2227639

carla@truenorth said...

I’m a development researcher for a production company called True North. I am currently researching for a documentary about Body Integrity Identity Disorder. I would very much like to speak to you to find out more about this condition and find out as much as I can from you.

We are not interested in admirers or the condition from a sexual viewpoint (as has already been covered anyway in previous documentaries) but more in uncovering the phychology behing the condition and the motivation of those who are BIID.

Any help/info would be very much apprieciated.

Many thanks

Carla Wright
Development Researcher
True North Productions
Tel: 0113 2227639