Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Technology and The Secret of Earplugs

So I think I've figured out earplugs. The ones that Casey bought me used to hurt my ears a lot so I wasn't using them at night to sleep. However last night I think I figured it out! It's so obvious: Don't put them in so far. This morning my right ear hurt a little but not much and it was gone within 15 minutes of removing the earplug. Not disturbing to sleep at all! Yay!

And on to Tech! I bought a BlackBerry 8800 on Saturday. After I bought it I read this on Wikipedia:

BlackBerry devices are also extremely popular in the Deaf community, allowing people to message each other very easily.[citation needed]

I laughed. A lot. :)

Anyways...I like this model however I wish I knew to wait for the 8820 (which has built in WiFi). This model has a built in GPS receiver which means that with Google Maps (or BlackBerry Maps) it's unlikely that I will be lost again! Yay!!

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