Just kidding
Just kidding
I received an anonymous comment to my last post which reads:
I can tell you, why you want to use hearing aids and why amputation wannabes want to use prosthetics. The reason is, deep in your soul you do not want to be disabled, you do not want to be deaf. What you want are certain things you connect with being deaf, but you do not want to accept the big disadvantges, because noone wants to be disabled. It is not a paradox, it´s just a sign you are still sane, so to say. A therapist might be able to help you to overcome the desire to be deaf, or to be more precise, to overcome the illusions you have on your mind that you connect with being deaf. Though, the biggest problem is, BIID sufferers are very very reluctant to accept therapy, many say therapy does not help, but no BIID patient knows anyone who seriously made this step. Good luck and I hope you can learn to overcome these feelings.
Well first off I do not have a "soul". Secondly you're right. It's not so much a "wanting to be deaf" as a "not wanting to hear" which most people call deafness.
I am sane. I find it odd that it would be implied that transabled people are insane and the implication that "no one wants to be disabled." Clearly that is incorrect!
I wonder why the anonymous commenter believes that no one wants to be disabled. Is it because he or she believes that a disabled person's life is so unworthwhile that it should be forfeit or otherwise wish to be "perfect" (and what is "perfect")?
It's funny. Someone seems to know so much about me from a handful of posts and knows fuckall about what my daily life is like. (Unless Casey found my blog and didn't say anything...in which case...crap! Say something!!)
Anyways: I know who I am and what I want. I appreciate your comments even if they're way off-base. I'm well-prepared to make a decision.